FREE $75 gift card bonus for community solar subscribers Details
Solar Farm near town

Lower your electricity bills with community solar

Perch has helped thousands of renters, homeowners, and businesses benefit from state community solar programs.
Perch Subscriptions: 26,000+

Managed Solar Projects: 150+

Discounts Delivered: $28,000,000+

Seal of the United States Department of Energy

Community solar is supported by local and national organizations

An energy  discount  program that rewards you for helping the planet
Perch helps you save money from your state's community solar program—without rooftop panels.
Get subscribed to a solar farm in your community
It sends clean power to the electric grid
Receive a discount off your utility bill

What is your average monthly electric bill?

per mo/
992.06 kWh
Community Solar Discount (10%)
Reduced Electric Bill

Yearly Savings
Example based on a 10% savings rate. Your exact savings may vary.

As easy as 1-2-3

Get started with Perch in minutes


Check if there's a solar farm in your area


Provide your utility account information or upload an image of your bill


Add a preferred payment method

Start saving and feel good about helping the planet

Real stories

See how community solar is making a difference
Easy way to make an impact
"I chose community solar because I wanted to do something good for the environment and this is an easy way to make an impact. I love that I'm sharing a solar farm with other community members that care about Mother Earth!"



Saved me over $1,000 per year
"My store's monthly electric bill is one of my highest expenses, but community solar has saved me over $1,000 per year since joining. I'm investing this back into my business and my employees, and it feels good to support more clean energy being used in my town."


Store Owner

A no-brainer
"A friend of mine told me about it and I was so excited! I own a condo in a 30-unit building. There was no way I could ever get solar panels, so I was thrilled that I had a way to participate through community solar. I knew it might save me money, but I was equally excited about doing something for the environment. It was easy, it was the right thing, it was a no brainer!"


Condo Owner

On pace to save nearly $300
"Perch made it so easy to sign up to the solar farm nearby. Since joining, we're saving $20/month, on pace to save nearly $300 in our first year. And we're doing a little extra to help the planet. Win win!"



Frequently asked questions

How much can I save with community solar?
Community solar projects managed by Perch typically offer subscribers between 5%-15% savings! Those currently on government assistance programs may be eligible for even higher savings, including up to 20%. Community solar is meant to provide savings over time; your exact monthly breakdown of savings will vary due to the seasonality of solar power generation. Savings are dictated in part by your state’s legislation, the project you’re subscribed to, and your own monthly electricity usage. When we match you to a solar farm, you’ll know what your expected savings rate is.
Joining your state’s community solar program is free! Think of it as a reward for supporting renewable energy. States receive funding from the government and are incentivized to increase their clean energy generation to meet America’s aggressive carbon-zero goals. Community solar developers and solar farm owners get a piece of those incentives in the form of tax breaks, while subscribers like you, receive a discount off your bill. This entices more people to participate in community solar and ensures everyone is benefitting from clean energy. It’s a win for you, a win for states, and a win for the planet.
We analyze your historical electricity usage to understand how many credits you’ll need each month from your solar farm. States typically allow for higher electricity users to get a larger “share” of the farm’s energy output, bringing them additional savings, since their bills are higher from the start. But low electricity users can still save! Perch needs to see your historical usage before we can assign you to a solar farm.
Not directly. Instead of your home or business being powered by the solar farm, your subscription helps support the farm’s operations so it can produce clean energy for the overall electric grid. From there, the utility distributes it as needed throughout their service territory.
Rooftop solar is, of course, installed directly on one’s roof. If you’re a renter, a homeowner, or business owner without a suitable roof, or you just don’t want to spend the money, rooftop solar may not be right for you. Rooftop solar is a big financial decision, often costing upwards of $15,000 or more (ConsumerAffairs). It’s a long-term investment and estimates suggest it takes anywhere between 8-15 years or more to pay off the upfront cost (EcoWatch), though there are many factors that could shorten or prolong that. The benefit is that you can dramatically reduce your electricity bills, or even sell excess energy back to the utility. But for many years, those savings are just going toward offsetting the installation cost. Community solar is free to get started, it doesn’t require a rooftop or home ownership, has no cost to cancel, and it brings consistent, incremental savings to you!
No. While solar development is growing rapidly nationwide, right now there are still just a small fraction of community solar farms compared to what we expect in the coming years. And once a farm’s subscription spots fill up, it can no longer take on new subscribers. So if there’s a solar farm in your area—lucky you!
Perch makes money from the solar farm owners. They hire us to help bring on subscribers (like you!) and manage your community solar service, crediting, billing and more for as long as you’re subscribed. Many solar project owners rely on Perch for the expertise, technology, and desire to provide these services. The good news is when you join a community solar program through Perch, we’re there for you and happy to answer any questions you have during your subscription!
team photo

If you pay an electricity bill, you can sign up!

5%-15% savings
Renters, homeowners & businesses
Free to join with $0 cancellation fee
Savings may vary. Those currently on government assistance programs like LIHEAP, SNAP, Medicaid or others could be eligible for higher community solar savings up to 20% in certain states.

Community solar's benefits go beyond your bill

Helps create local jobs

More solar projects being built in your state means more quality jobs for workers.

Fights global warming by reducing CO2 emissions

Community solar farms can power thousands of homes and businesses without releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.

Lessens our reliance on fossil fuels

Solar projects pump clean energy onto the overall electric grid, helping lessen our dependence over time on fossil fuel power.

Lowers pollution in the air, on land, and in our drinking water

Our environment will thrive as more solar farms lead to the decommissioning of traditional power plants that are highly pollutive.

Promotes energy equity and environmental justice

Zoning laws have sometimes allowed for the development of hazardous power plants in disadvantaged or low-income communities. Solar farms, in turn, are planet-friendly and people-friendly.

Solar "agrivoltaics" can support American farmers

Some solar projects Perch manages use agrivoltaics, when panels are installed on existing agricultural farmland. Farmers lease their land and gain an additional revenue source to help sustain their operations.

Solar Farm

Solar power is the most abundant energy source on Earth. It's time everyone benefited.

Everyone has a place on this Perch. Get started now.